Climate change is well and truly here. By lowering your carbon footprint,
you can help lower the amount of greenhouse gases that enter the atmosphere
every second. In our fight against climate change, everyone making just
small adjustments can lead to big results.
The fastest and easiest way is to make changes
in the place you spend the most time: your
own home.
By increasing the energy efficiency
of your home you will immediately reduce your energy consumption, hence your
footprint, possibly the most important step you can take.
1. Insulate your home
Houses are generally not well insulated, constantly allowing heat and cooled air to escape into the environment. Heating and cooling your home can be an expensive and energy-intensive exercise. By insulating your roof cavity and walls, you can ensure your home retains heat during the winter and stays cool in summer. You can also make use of blinds and curtains to reduce the amount of heat that enters and leaves your rooms.
2. Switch to renewables
If solar panels are available where you live, and you have the ability to make the switch, look into investing in solar. However, converting your entire power system to solar could be too great a step or an excessive expense. Try considering solar devices.
Solar water
heaters can also use the sun to heat your water, which can then be pumped through to your showers and taps.
3. Buy energy efficient appliances
Using energy-saving light bulbs and choosing appliances with a high energy star rating can lower your home’s carbon footprint , making your home more eco-friendly and a lot cheaper to run.
4. Use less water
Enormous amounts of energy and resources are required to process and deliver water to our homes. Heating water is very energy-intensive. By using less water, you can help to conserve this precious liquid and lower your carbon footprint. Turn off the taps when brushing your teeth, use efficient wash cycles on your washing machine, take shorter showers, install a low flow shower head and wash your car using a bucket of water rather than the hose.
By Sarah Connor
Terminator Water Solutions